This year we are delighted to have Andrea Luka Zimmerman as our special guest. Andrea has been unwavering in her path as an independent artist and filmmaker for the past three decades, making films about subjects that she is passionate about and in collaboration with people whose voices are rarely heard. She is an inspiration to anyone who still believes in non-fiction being a radical and political art form, that we should commit to regardless of trends and funding!

This year we will be showcasing more female filmmakers than we ever have before, from four continents. We will have workshops on ‘clumsiness’, ‘unfinished projects’, ‘radical education’ and of course our flagship therapy workshop where you bring your ethical film dilemmas to our therapists and together we work through solutions.

Among other highlights we have Bring You Own, where we invite you to show 10 mins of a film and get constructive feedback from our editors, Rough Cut screenings where filmmakers will ask you for constructive feedback, and Lost Gems, where we show films that are rarely seen today but we know will inspire you and feed into your current ideas.

All of this to be enjoyed alongside delicious food by Rose and Zeph’s West African cuisine, coffee, tea and cakes under the oak tree and heated discussions around bonfires.

As always, Otherfield offers a vital, rejuvenating retreat away from the pressures of industry and big cities. We are a grassroots collective of filmmakers who work voluntarily to put this together, so please come and join us this year, a year where coming together feels more prescient than ever.

We will be updating the programme from time to time, so watch this space.
In the meantime PLEASE buy your tickets as we are limited to sell ONLY 150.

With love,